Mouth Tape for Snorers: Does It Work? - BreatheFix

Mouth Tape for Snorers: Does It Work?

Mouth taping is a trendy treatment to get rid of snoring. Snoring is a frequently occurring breathing disorder that happens during sleep and is characterized by loud and disruptive breathing sounds. It occurs when airflow through the mouth and nose is blocked. It causes tissues in the throat and airway to vibrate as you breathe. This vibration produces the familiar sound of snoring, which can be loud and disruptive. 

Several factors can contribute to snoring, including: 

  • Anatomy: Certain anatomical factors, such as a narrow airway, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, or a deviated septum, can increase the likelihood of snoring.
  • Muscle Tone: Relaxation of the throat and tongue muscles during sleep can lead to airway collapse and obstruction, resulting in snoring.
  • Sleep Position: Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue and soft tissues in the throat to collapse backward, obstructing airflow and triggering snoring.
  • Age: Snoring becomes more common with age as muscle tone decreases and tissues in the throat become more relaxed and prone to vibration.
  • Alcohol and Sedatives: Consumption of alcohol or sedative medications can relax the muscles in the throat, increasing the likelihood of snoring.

What is Snoring?

Snoring is a sound that occurs when the air you breathe flows past the relaxed tissues in your throat. It causes the tissues to vibrate, producing a hoarse or harsh sound. While it's typical to snore occasionally, some people experience it chronically. In some cases, snoring may also indicate an underlying health condition that requires attention.

What Is Mouth Taping?

Mouth taping is a practice that involves applying adhesive tape over the mouth during sleep to keep it closed. The idea behind mouth taping is to promote nasal breathing and prevent breathing through the mouth during sleep. Supporters of mouth taping believe that keeping the mouth closed can help control snoring, improve oxygen uptake, and promote better sleep quality. The process of mouth taping typically involves using specialized tape, such as surgical tape or hypoallergenic adhesive strips. Before bedtime, apply tape across the lips to gently seal them together.

Does Mouth Tape Help?

Mouth taping can be considered a treatment for snoring. A recent study on individuals with mild obstructive sleep apnea found that wearing a porous patch over their mouth compelled them to breathe through their nose. It resulted in a change in the position of the palate and tongue. These changes led to a significant reduction in snoring and lapsed breathing. It is unsure that mouth taping for snorers can be called a treatment. 

Side Effects and Risks of Mouth Taping

Mouth taping has emerged as a new TikTok trend that helps prevent snoring. According to the health professionals, it is considered unsafe. Taping your mouth shut can exacerbate breathing problems, even though it reduces snoring. Experts agree that other treatments, such as an obstructive sleep apnea evaluation and behavioral changes, are safer ways to get more sleep.

Mouth taping can cause obstructed breathing. It can aggravate sleep apnea and its risk factors. Tape can cause irritation or allergic reactions on the skin. Mouth taping for snorers can cause sleep disruption as well. Experts claim that mouth taping might work for snoring, but it can worsen the effects of sleep apnea. It leads to discomfort when removing the tape, especially facial hair. 

How to Try Mouth Taping

You’ll need adhesive medical tape that is safe for your skin. It can be surgical tape or specially designed mouth tape. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Cut a piece of tape long enough to cover your lips. Make sure the tape is clean and free from any debris.
  • Wash your lips and dry them gently, making sure no moisture or residue can interfere with the tape’s adhesive. 
  • Place the tape horizontally across your closed lips. It should adhere securely but not too tightly. Leave a small gap at the corners of your mouth to allow natural jaw movement and airflow. 
  • Observe how mouth-taping affects sleep quality, breathing patterns, and overall comfort. If you experience any significant discomfort or adverse effects, stop using the product immediately and seek advice from a healthcare professional. 
  • Experiment with different types of tape or techniques to find what works best for you. Some people prefer tape designed particularly for mouth taping, which is often gentler on the skin and more comfortable to breathe.