Sleep Skincare: How Sleep Transforms Your Skin

Sleep Skincare: How Sleep Transforms Your Skin

Sleep deprivation can have an effect on your skin's health and appearance. While we snooze and allow ourselves to drift off into dreamland, our bodies are working hard to regenerate the skin cells and make them look firmer and brighter. If you want to wake up glowing, start by getting a good night's rest. It's what we call "sleep skincare." 

The Night Shift: Cellular Renewal in Action

Consider sleep as your skin's nightly restorative session. At this time, a number of the following key functions take place:

Cellular Turnover: 

Our skin cells are continuously multiplying, dying, and replenishing. The process through which cells move through and are ultimately shed from the outermost layer of the skin is known as cell turnover. Cell turnover takes place when you are asleep. Cellular turnover rates are high between 11 pm and 4 am. What this means is that, with this accelerated cycle, new, healthy skin cells replace the old skin cells at an even faster rate, making your skin smoother and more radiant.

Hormonal Balance: 

Sleep today, controls several hormones, that are very essential for skin health. It's at night when melatonin, known as the sleep hormone, peaks. It acts as an antioxidant to help fight free radicals and protect your skin. At the same time, cortisol which is the stress hormone reduces, giving your skin a break from daytime wear and tear.

Collagen Production: 

Collagen is the protein present within our skin structure and in maintaining its elasticity. It is produced in lower quantities with age, where sleep plays a critical role in improving metabolism. Research indicates that lower synthesis becomes favorable for a more youthful appearance since there is less visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

It can dramatically change the way your skin looks and feels as a whole. It will help your skin by:

Reducing Puffy Eyes: 

The accumulation of body fluids tends to occur during the day; therefore, due to a good rest in sleep, the body can efficiently drain these fluids from the body. It makes you look much more chiseled and fresh.

Brighter Skin: 

A good night of sleep can brighten the skin, especially in a person's look who is sleep-deprived; it makes them look exhausted. A good night's sleep promotes better circulation, a positive effect as the oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, result in the radiance of health. 

Less Breakouts: 

Strain and a lack of sleep cause inflammation and hormonal imbalance, the direct causes of acne. Enough sleep means balanced hormones and no inflammation, which brings no breakouts.

Reduction of Dark Circles: 

The dark circles under your eyes become worse, with a lack of sleep. The right amount of sleep allows your body to recover and regenerate the damaged tissue, thus reducing the dark circles. Your eyes gain a glow, looking bright and alert.

How to Get More Beauty Sleep for Healthier, Glowing Skin

Use these tips:

  • Keep regular sleeping and waking hours, even on holidays and days off, so that your body system will become habitual.
  • Do relaxing activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or performing yoga and meditation before sleep. Avoid engaging in stimulating activities before sleep, such as watching TV or using electronic devices an hour before bedtime.
  • Ensure that your room is dark, quiet, and cool for proper relaxation and adequate sleep. An investment in good quality sleep includes a comfortable mattress and supportive pillows for the body.
  • Caffeine and alcohol deteriorate sleep quality; so the use of both products should be avoided in the hours leading up to bedtime.
  • Keep breathing through your nose while asleep, for this will enable you to take in plenty of air, make sure that your blood is well-oxygenated, and increase your intake of nitric oxide. When you tape your mouth at night using, Breathefix, you will get enough oxygen while asleep. Read more about Mouth Taping For Sleep: Benefits and Side Effects.
  • Consistently and adequately hydrate throughout the day with water; it allows your skin to stay hydrated and sustain its endogenous repair machinery while you sleep. Want peaceful sleep? Read more about the Benefits and Uses of Sleeping Eye Mask.
Remember, beauty sleep is real. By having a good quality sleep every night, you are benefiting your whole body internally. It is like investing in a healthier, more radiant complexion. So turn those lights off, throw some mouth tape on, or whatever else you have to do, and wake up to a brighter, more beautiful you. Read more about How to Safely Use BreatheFIx Mouth Tape.